Bock of Events looks for:



Freelancer / conception & creation

Your imagination and creativity knows no bounds!

You also have a good sense for brands, target groups, texts and images, as well as good knowledge of all event formats? Then we should get to know each other and talk about more details!

We look forward to reading from you!

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Allround Talent

Allround Talent

Freelancer in project management

You are a FULLBLOOD event manager wholeheartedly, who has fun and joy in the most different event formats with the most different trades, but can also grab on the spot, if need be?

We always need experienced ALLROUNDERs who can handle projects on their own responsibility - from imaginative support during conception to planning, implementation, budget control and costing for the customer.

You are involved in all project phases and the first point of contact both for the customer and for service providers who need to be coordinated.

We are looking forward to an application from you!

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